Arnold Advincula's Surgical Techniques

Laparoscopic management of interstitial ectopic pregnancy

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An overview of surgical techniques illustrated by a case of laparoscopic cornual resection


Interstitial ectopic pregnancies, commonly reported as “cornual” ectopic pregnancies, are rare, accounting for only 2% to 3% of all tubal ectopic pregnancies. They can be managed medically with methotrexate or surgically via laparotomy or laparoscopy. Many variations of laparoscopic techniques have been described in the literature but no standardized surgical management has been established.

In this video, we begin by reviewing interstitial ectopic pregnancy and surgical approaches to treatment, with a focus on key surgical techniques and steps for successful laparoscopic management.

We then present the case of a 40-year-old woman (G3P1011) at 7 weeks 2 days gestation with a 5-cm left interstitial ectopic pregnancy who underwent a laparoscopic cornual resection.

We hope this video can serve as a quick reference in your practice for the surgical management of interstitial ectopic pregnancies.

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