Clinical Edge

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Breast Cancer Screening Outcomes

Ranking mammography facilities per volume

Women attending mammography facilities with higher total interpretive volumes may be more likely to benefit from screening, according to a study of 116 facilities participating in the US Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium from 2000 to 2009 and calculating 3,098,481 screening mammograms. The study determined:

• These facilities detected more good prognosis invasive tumors and fewer poor prognosis invasive tumors.

• 9,899 cancers were screen-detected within one year of the exam in 3,098,481 screening mammograms.

• 80% of facilities had annual total interpretive volumes of >2,000 mammograms; and 42% had >5,000.

Citation: Onega T, Goldman LE, Walker RL, et al. Facility mammography volume in relation to breast cancer screening outcomes. J Med Screen. [Published online ahead of print August 11, 2015]. doi:10.1177/0969141315595254.