Medical Verdicts

Medical Verdicts



$24.5 million verdict after oxytocin, then uterine rupture

A 37-YEAR-OLD WOMAN in labor was administered oxytocin. Her uterus ruptured, and oxytocin was continued for another 3 minutes. In an emergency C-section, the baby was found to be half-extruded from the uterus into the abdominal cavity. He was born asphyxiated; his Apgar scores were low; and umbilical artery blood gas indicated hypoxia and metabolic acidosis. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and requires a feeding tube.

  • PATIENT’S CLAIM The nurses were negligent for not contacting a physician and for continuing oxytocin.
  • DOCTOR’S DEFENSE There was no negligence.
  • VERDICT $24,554,880 Illinois bench verdict.

ObGyn follows fetal distress remotely—child born with CP

WHEN A PREGNANT WOMAN presented at the hospital, both she and her fetus were found to be healthy with no complications. About 4½ hours later, the fetal monitor indicated decelerations of the fetal heart rate, and the ObGyn was notified. After another 1½ hours, it had increased without returning to baseline, and the decelerations became more frequent, severe, and prolonged, with coupling of contractions. These changes were relayed to the ObGyn, who then reviewed the monitoring strips with the nurse and ordered oxytocin to be started. Increasing heart rate and decelerations continued over the next hour. The depressed heart rate then was slow to return to baseline, and the fetal tracings began to flatten. Again the strips were reviewed by the nurses and physician. After 3 more hours, the ObGyn was informed of the continuing signs of fetal distress—the patient was 8 cm dilated and labor had shown no progress in the previous 2 hours. The ObGyn ordered increased oxytocin. After 45 minutes, the mother was dilated 9 cm and was told to start pushing. When she pushed, fetal decelerations decreased to as low as 60 bpm during contractions. Again the ObGyn was informed of persistent ominous signs of fetal distress. Without assessing the patient, he asked to be told when the baby began to crown—and then went to take a nap. Nearly 2 hours later, informed of a lack of progress and continued decelerations, he reviewed the strips and ordered increased oxytocin. Within 2 hours, the baby was born. She was covered with meconium and had Apgar scores of 2, 3, and 4 at 1, 5, and 10 minutes. She was limp, gray, and not breathing, and cord gases indicated acute severe metabolic and respiratory acidosis. The infant was taken to the NICU with multiple problems, including no primary reflexes, seizure disorder, and cerebral edema. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy with right hemiplegia, chronic head pain, memory deficits, motor dysfunction, and many other deficits.

  • PATIENT’S CLAIM Not reported.
  • DOCTOR’S DEFENSE Not reported.
  • VERDICT $3.45 million California settlement: $1 million from the ObGyn; and $2.45 million from the hospital.

Midwife has turn, then MD finishes difficult delivery

DELIVERY OF AN INFANT at term was performed by a physician who used forceps to assist. The child suffered brain damage and died.

  • PATIENT’S CLAIM The physician failed to deliver the child in a timely manner, which led to brain damage and death.
  • DOCTOR’S DEFENSE Labor was managed primarily by a midwife. The physician responded immediately when called and used appropriate emergency measures to deliver the child as quickly as possible.
  • VERDICT $1.5 million settlement with the hospital before trial; Illinois defense verdict for the physician.

Embolism after C-section causes death

A 38-YEAR-OLD WOMAN pregnant with her second child had a C-section and tubal ligation performed by her ObGyn. She developed a pulmonary embolism a few days later and died.

  • PATIENT’S CLAIM The patient’s age and weight were risk factors for pulmonary embolism, and she was immobilized for over 72 hours following surgery, which also increased the risk. The defendants took no steps to prevent a pulmonary embolism.
  • DOCTOR’S DEFENSE There was no negligence.
  • VERDICT Ohio defense verdict.

Surgery for pelvic pain and cyst leads to … more surgery

A SONOGRAM REVEALED an ovarian cyst in a woman, in her mid-40s, who was experiencing pelvic pain. Her physician recommended and performed surgery to find the source of the pain, as well as to possibly remove the cyst and ovaries. Following surgery, the woman was diagnosed with a colon perforation. A colostomy and two further surgeries were necessary. In addition, the patient suffered a bowel obstruction, colovaginal fistula, and scarring.

  • PATIENT’S CLAIM The original surgery was unnecessary, and the colon perforation was negligent.
  • DOCTOR’S DEFENSE Surgery was necessary to determine and treat the cause of the pain. Perforation of the colon did not occur during surgery, but resulted from the patient’s diverticulitis.
  • VERDICT A $3,497,000 Maryland verdict was returned; however, this was reduced to $702,000 pursuant to the state cap for noneconomic damages.


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